Educational Activities

Unique Educational Projects

  • Outstanding Global Engineer Development Project.
    To motivate students to become outstanding global engineers in the future, this project is to strongly promote the Global Engineer Program based on the reorganization of the Advanced Course to make a commitment to international internships, global leadership in industry-academia collaboration, improvement of English communication skills and regional cooperation.
  • Educational Project of the Robotics Engineer Development Required by Industries.
    In response to social needs to secure human resources with specialized skills required by industries, this project is to develop human resources who can support system construction and implementation of IoT and robots in small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • Project of Engineer Development with Skills and Morals in Information Security.
    This project is to develop human resources who acquire practical adaptability and education skills in information security to improve information security in local areas and provide information security support for local industries.

International Exchange

National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Suzuka College, has international academic exchange agreements with The Ohio State University (USA), Georgian College (Canada), Leibniz University Hannover (Germany), Changzhou College of Information Technology (China) and the Institute of Engineering and Technology (Mongolia). Selected students are sent for a short-term oversea training program at The Ohio StateUniversity (USA) every year and Leibniz University Hannover (Germany) every two years. Selected advanced course students take a two-month language training course at Georgian College every year. Furthermore, our college accepts international students from Malaysia, Indonesia and Mongolia to contribute to international affairs.

Activities of students (2019)

  • First Prizes at All Japan Athletic Meeting of KOSEN
    • Track-and-Field (Women's High Jump)
    • Tennis (Men's Doubles)
  • First Prizes at All Japan Shogi (Japanese Chess) Tournament of KOSEN (Team)
  • First Prize at The 17th Annual All-Japan High School Computing Contest "PC Koshien 2019" (Mobile Division)
  • Participation in The All Japan Colleges of Technology Robot Contest “KOSEN ROBOCON

Regional Contribution Activities

  • Gender Equality Promotion
  • Making-Things Workshops (open to elementary and junior high school students)
  • Visiting Lectures at junior high schools
  • Technical Consultations

Research Activities